11 Money Saving Tips for How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Food is expensive! And one of the most common excuses for not buying healthier foods is the cost.
Prices of organic foods are definitely higher, but a study done by Harvard University actually found that at the end of the year, it only costs $1.50 more per day to eat healthier!
Not buying it?? Here are my top 11 tips for eating healthy without breaking the bank!
1. Meal Plan and Make a list
Make a plan for the week of what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. By making a plan for what you are going to eat and then sticking to that plan, you will not spend money on “extras” at the grocery store and you won’t waste food.
2. Food Prep
When you get home, take some time to have everything ready to go for the week. That way, you can reach for the healthier options and will end up eating out less.
3. Buy real, whole foods
Sticking to whole fruits, veggies, meats, grains, nuts, and beans will save you money over the more expensive prepackaged, processed foods (and it’s healthier).
4. Eat Beans instead of meat twice a week
Proteins are often the most expensive so by opting for a less expensive protein once or twice a week, you will save money. Buy dry beans then soak and freeze them.
5. Buy in Bulk
Buy dry goods in bulk when possible: Buying larger quantities of beans, rice, and grains can save you money over time.
6. Reduce waste
Make sure to eat everything you spend money on. Use leftovers for lunches or freeze for another meal. If your veggies or fruits are about to go bad, chop them and freeze them to use at a later time.
7. Buy in-season produce
Fruits and veggies that are in season cost less. You can also usually find more local varieties as well.
8. Stick to the dirty dozen and clean 15 lists
These lists tell you which produce you should buy Organic, and which you don’t really have to! That way you can spend the extra money on organic only when necessary.
9. Buy Frozen
Opt for frozen wild fish, and frozen fruits and vegetables: They have just as many nutrients, if not more, and sometimes cost less than fresh.
10. Grow a garden
Growing your own veggies is not only easy, but it’s fun and can save you a ton of money! A few simple pots on your doorstep or a full garden can yield you some yummy healthy veggies!
11. Shop around
Prices vary greatly at different grocery stores. Price check a few items at your local stores so that you can see where you can get the best deals and don’t forget your farmers market and online shops. I use both Thrive Market and Butcher Box because I get all of the best options, but I save money!
In the end, eating healthy will cost you a lot less in the long run than the medical bills would if you don’t eat healthily! You’ve got this mama!