99% of people fill their homes and shopping carts with the wrong products, you are about to be in the top 1%!

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America is at a crossroads with our health. More and more children and adults are being diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and more.

but you can make a change for your family.

As mothers, we are the CEOs of our kitchens, the gatekeepers of our homes.

And while getting started on your journey to detoxing your home and living more healthily might feel overwhelming on your never-ending list of to-do’s,

It may be the most important thing on the list!

We KNOW it's best for us if we want to live a long healthy life free of disease.

And this guide will make your journey from overwhelmed to toxin-free easy!

We will walk you through the basics of getting the chemicals out of your home with action steps on exactly what to do, what to swap, and links to our favorite approved brands.

From the air you breathe to the food you eat and the shampoo you use, we help you ditch the toxins and get the BEST products into your home.

A few more topics we touch upon:

Health Basics
What you can do for Free
Kitchen Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Bath and Body Products
Men's Products
Best Kids and baby products
How to shop for the Best Foods
What to put on your plate
Brand Guide for better swaps for almost EVERY product in your home


What's Inside?

  • A no-stress guide to helping you make simple swaps for your family. This will not create more overwhelm for you, rather it will help make the process easy peasy

  • A room-by-room guide on how to make your home a safe and healthy place for your family to spend time so you can be at peace knowing you are doing all you can

  • A list of the best brands for every product you'll buy at the store. The ones that don't contain healthy harming ingredients. From shampoo to crackers and everything in between

  • Information on what foods to eat, how to build your plate and the importance of whole foods and processed foods

  • Tips on becoming an ingredient sleuth so you know what to look for on the label and be empowered to make the best decisions for your family

  • Direct links to hundreds of products so you no longer need to spend hours searching in the store.

What People are Saying…

Meet your Coach…

Hi! I’m Kate! I’m 44 and live on the coast of Maine with my husband and 3 kids. I know you have a lot of options when it comes to coaches and health support, but I do things differently. I’m not here to make a quick buck, I am here to help women like me.

For the past 15 years, since my first son Max was born, I have been on a journey to live a little bit healthier. It started one day when I was sitting next to his bathtub reading the ingredients on the baby wash. I had no idea what they were, so I got a little bit curious and looked up the ingredients.

What I found shocked me! I started paying more attention to what I put on his tiny body as well as the things I was feeding him and allowing him to put in his mouth! After making changes for him, I realized I should probably start making changes for myself as well...and I’ve been researching ever since!

Since then, I’ve become a Certified Master Health Coach and Hormone Nutritionist and have helped thousands of women and families all over the world.

But, In the very beginning, I was completely overwhelmed with information. I kept going but wished someone had made it a little easier for me.

That is why I created this guide. I want to help make your dive into a healthier life a little bit easier!

I know I could have charged a lot more for this guide, but I wanted something simple, that I could get into the hands of everyone to help get their health journey started! I hope you love it!

Beginners Guide to Clean and Healthy Living- Start Here!
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