Are you ready to unlock the hormone health secrets that will help you reclaim your Energy?
Your Vitality? Your Life?

If so, pull up a chair, because this is for you…

As women and moms, we give ourselves to pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, raising babies, and taking care of our families.
We do everything from the cooking and the cleaning to the scheduling and the snuggling and everything in between.

We love it. But we are depleted. 

We are preparing little humans to go out into the world while also taking care of our parents and our friends.

We love it. But we are depleted. 

We give and we give but we never give to OURSELVES. 

We’re exhausted. We’re overwhelmed. We’re stressed.
We also may be gaining weight, feeling bloated, getting migraines, losing hair, feeling anxious or depressed, having skin issues, losing our libido, and we’re completely agitated by everything around us. 

And if untreated, some of us are even ending up with PCOS, Thyroid Conditions, Endometriosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, and more! Plus, as we get older, peri-menopause and menopause are looming with symptoms we shouldn’t have to suffer through.

Most of us have also lost all sense of who we are and who we want to be in this part of our lives. 

But, I am here to tell you… it’s not your fault…it’s your hormones! 

And there’s a solution most women don’t even know about. 

(And “eating less” and “exercising more” is NOT the answer!)

“And if we don’t make a change, these symptoms will never end!
They will only get worse.”

That is exactly why I created…



Your Empowered Health…
30 days to the most VIBRANT version of YOU!

This 30 day step-by-step easy to follow action plan takes you from exhausted and overwhelmed to waking up each day with vitality, feeling amazing, and a newfound zest for life

We will get to the root of your symptoms, healing you from the inside out!

We balance your hormones, heal your gut, get your detox systems working, boost your metabolism, and FINALLY reset your body so it can work the way it was meant to.

you will…
gain more energy
get better sleep
be less moody
have fewer headaches
get clearer skin
release excess weight
be full of confidence

(and so much more)


and because I’m also a busy working mom, and I know this is the last thing you want on your TO DO list…I’ve formulated it so that even the most exhausted, overwhelmed, and busy moms can master it. 

(I make it super easy!)

by the end of this program, you will…

- attain and maintain your perfect healthy weight
- no longer stress about diet culture and body image
- thrive on healthy, balanced hormones
- sleep well and have steady energy all day
- know what, when, and how to fuel your body with the right macros and micros for you
- keep toxins out while also detoxing your body
- be on track for clear, glowing, plump skin
- be an expert meal planner, food shopper, and kitchen hacker for you and your family (without spending hours doing it!)
- understand where supplements come into play and how and when to use them
- know how to keep up with the changes you’ve made FOREVER!

It’s finally time to fill YOUR cup.

To put yourself first and BE the woman you are meant to be.

You deserve to live full of vitality.

A life you love. A life where you LOVE your body, both inside and out.

A life where you wake up happy, energized, confident, vibrant, and excited for the day!

Why Trust ME on this journey?

Hi! I’m Kate

The truth is..I’ve been there, too. Before I started helping other women live their BEST, most vibrant version of themselves, I was completely exhausted and overwhelmed. I dragged through my days feeling bloated, had headaches, was depressed, and gained a bunch of weight (even though I was eating healthy and working out!). I felt lost and alone. I felt like the health industry kept leading me in circles. I was overwhelmed, had spent WAY too much money, and felt like I was running a race I’d never finish.

But through years of research, education, and trial and error, I cracked the code on what real health looks like and what it takes to get there. 

And I realized it wasn’t that complicated! 

So I became a National Board Certified Woman’s Health Coach and Holistic Nutritionist specializing in helping women just like you get to the root of their health and reset their hormones so they could finally live the life they were meant to!

After coaching 1:1 for many years, I wanted to help even more women, so I made my coaching available in this condensed, get-to-the-point, DIY course format. 

As a mom of 3 in her 40’s, I know life is busy, and dedicating every hour to cooking or exercising just isn’t realistic. This program not only gets you to your goals faster, but it’s manageable for even the busiest of women.


✖️ Feeling so exhausted, an 8 am nap sounds like the dream

✖️ Dragging through your day feeling sluggish, foggy and unmotivated

✖️ Struggling to shed the same pounds year after year

✖️ Feeling so bloated, puffy, and inflamed you could pop

✖️ Counting, restricting, and being so afraid of food you don't even know what to eat anymore

✖️ Spending thousands on supplements that just collect dust

✖️ Figuring out how to muster up the energy or desire for some “intimacy”

✖️ Wishing you could just feel like yourself again but not sure what to do next!


✔️ Feel energized all day!

✔️ Enjoy intense focus and mental clarity to do the things you adore + accomplish your goals!

✔️ Finally lose those extra pounds and still eat amazing food!

✔️ Deflate that bloat with simple lifestyle changes!

✔️ Get the most amazing sleep of your life

✔️ See right past diet culture BS, so you can make the right choices for YOUR body!

✔️ Know exactly how to eat the food your body loves, wants, and needs!

✔️ Never waste money on unnecessary quick fixes!

✔️ Reclaim your sex drive and libido once and for all!

✔️ Run your kitchen like a boss- without any stress!

✔️ Have the energy to make the health of your family a priority as well.

✔️ Finally, free yourself of the symptoms that hold you down so you can live your BEST life!


You’ll watch one short 10—15 minute video per day (on either your phone or computer) for 30 days and follow along in your student workbook. (This is so the changes actually STICK! It’s science!)

I’ll even text you with reminders and encouragement so you CAN. NOT. FAIL.

Each day you will learn, make small changes, shift your habits, alter your mindset, and make lifestyle changes that last. The lessons have been adapted from my private coaching and are proven to help you make REAL change. You will come out the other side transformed and finally in control of your health so you can feel amazing on the inside and out…forever.

You will be the BEST VERSION OF YOU


33 Actionable Video Lessons- 1 per day for a month!
Direct access to Kate via text during the course!
Student Work Book to keep you accountable!
Daily Tracking Journal to see your progress immediately!

Total Value: $4500

Your Investment: $197

(plus I offer a full refund- keep reading!)

some happy + healthy clients

is this right for YOU?

This program is perfect for you if you have any of the following…

…complete lack of energy or an afternoon slump that stops you in your productive tracks

…feel easily overwhelmed or overstimulated

…pms: bloating, cramps, mood swings, irritability, acne

…you’ve been trying to lose weight, but the lbs just won’t budge

…food cravings that you just can’t get rid of

…you know what to eat, but you struggle to make the right choices

..low libido leaving you “just not in the mood”

…feel like something is just off..your labs may be normal, but you just do feel like YOU

…uncomfortable gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation

…your cycle is off, you have heavy bleeding or no period at all

…you keep drinking coffee, and you still don’t have any energy

…you’re ready to finally start feeling like YOU again. Life is short, you don’t want to waste it!

PLUS, for a short time, I am now offering 10 NEW BONUSES!


30+ days of meal plans so you don’t have to think about what to eat.


Food shopping guide so you know exactly how to look for and find the right foods.


Over 150 delicious recipes that anyone can make and your whole family will love.


Household Swaps Guide to help you know exactly what products are good for your health.


Symptoms and Supplements Guide to help you know when you should supplement, and if you should test.


Gut Healing Guide for even deeper gut-specific healing. Includes recipes and how-tos.


Fat Burning Guide to show you exactly how to burn the excess without risking your muscle or hormone health.


Cycle Syncing Guide to help you go deeper into hacking into the benefits of your cycle.


Partner Connections Guide to show you how to have a healthy relationship with your partner.


Menopause Guide to help you gracefully prepare and enter menopause when the time comes.

To put it in other words, we are giving you everything you could possibly need to uplevel your health and become the BEST, MOST VIBRANT VERSION OF YOU, all at one price, all in the simplest done-for-you format.

What’s inside…

Module 1: Understand Your Body + Be Empowered for Life

The guessing method? We don’t do that here.
You will finally understand what’s happening inside of your body so YOU can take control of the wheel. You will conquer your Mindset, your Hormones, your Cycle, your Digestion and more!

  • 1-1) Your Body is working for you (not against you): Learn (in super simple way) how the systems of your body work and how you can optimize them for your health.

    1-2) Empowerment through Mindset: Learn exactly how to shift your mindset to make real changes.

    1-3) Your hormones are the key to your health puzzle: Learn what your hormones actually are and how to balance them to finally feel like you again.

    1-4) Your cycle is your superpower: Learn about the phases of your cycle, how they impact your health, and how you can actually use them to make your life BETTER!

    1-5) The Importance of Digestion: Learn how digestion affects your health and hormones and how to make yours work the best.

    1-6) How to listen to your body: Learn about the symptoms you are having, how to listen to them, and how to heal them.

Module 2: Take Charge of Your Environment

For so long we’ve been lied to about what our body needs to feel good.
We’ve trusted others to tell us what’s ok to bring into our home.
Well, I’m letting you peek behind the curtain! Here you will learn all about what’s really going on with the ingredients in your food and products, how to easily read labels, how the diet industry has affected your behaviors, and how to use this info to change your life!

  • 2-1) Mindset Check- Seeing Through the Business of Health: Learn why we are in this place to begin with, and how to protect your health from diet culture, the media, and big food.

    2-2) Ingredients In Your Food: Learn what ingredients are in your food, how they affect your health and your hormones, how to read labels and how to shop at the store for your health without spending a fortune.

    2-3) Ingredients In Your Personal Products: Learn what ingredients are in your products, how they affect your health and your hormones, and exactly what you can do about it. 

    2-4) Keeping Your Environment Healthy: Learn where other toxins are coming into your life, what products can help you, and how to shop for them.

    2-5) Understanding How You Detox: Learn how your body detoxes and what you can do to support it. 

Module 3: Take Charge of Your Habits

What you do every day has a huge effect on your health. Your Nervous System is out of alignment preventing your body from working the way it needs to. We will walk you through exactly what actions you need to take when it comes to stress, sleep, movement and detoxification to help reset your Nervous System so your body can be at it’s BEST.

  • 3-1) Mindset Check- Where thoughts go, energy flows: Learn how to take control of your mindset to bring new habits into your life. 

    3-2) Why Stress Matters: Learn all about stress, where it comes from, and how it affects your health and hormones. 

    3-3) Taking Control of Stress: Learn multiple ways to reduce the stress in your life and how to help your body be able to handle that stress. 

    3-4) Getting Your Best Sleep: Learn how sleep affects your health and your hormones and the tips and tricks to make sure you are getting the best sleep.

    3-5) Finding Movement that Matters:Learn how movement affects your health and what the best movements are for you and your body. 

    3-6) How to support Detox Daily: Learn what simple things you can incorporate into your daily activities to help your body detox. 

Module 4: Take Charge of Your Food

You are what you eat. And your food affects everything else in your life. So let’s make sure it’s amazing!
You will learn about Macro Nutrients (macros) Micronutrients (micros), exactly how, when, where, and what to eat, cravings, gut sensitivities, diet culture, and body image.

  • 4-1) Mindset- Intentional Nourishment: Understand what it means to nourish your body and exactly how to do it.

    4-2) Your Food- Protein: Learn all about Protein, how it affects you, and how to use it to support your health and hormones and how to get the right protein for you.

    4-3) Your Food- Fat: Learn all about Fat, how it affects you, and how to use it to support your health and hormones

    4-4) Your Food- Carbs: Learn all about carbohydrates, how they affect you, and how to use them to support your health and hormones

    4-5) Your Food - Micronutrients: Learn all about how the micronutrients in your food affect your health and how to use them. 

    4-6) What to put on your plate: Learn exactly what to put on your plate to support your health, your hormones, and your blood sugar.

    4-7) Body composition and cravings: Learn about your mindset around body composition, how it affects your ability to make change as well as your health and your cravings and how to overcome them.

    4-8) Heal Your Gut and Food sensitivities: Learn all about gut health, how to optimize your gut as well as potential food sensitivities hindering your progress. 

Module 5: Create Lifelong Change

We aren’t going to let this course go in one ear and out the other. We are going to turn this into your NEW LIFE!
You will learn how to Meal Plan, Food Shop, implement kitchen hacks, Bring your Family on board, and how to move into the future in this new amazing body.

  • 5-1) Mindset- Creating habits for life: Learn how to change your mindset to bring these new habits into your life forever. 

    5-2) Master Meal planning without stress:Learn how to make meal planning easy so that it helps support your journey forever. 

    5-3) Your Guide to Food Shopping: Learn how to make food shopping easier, how to read labels, and how to pick the best products and brands without breaking the bank.

    5-4) Simple Kitchen Hacks to make life easier: Learn how to organize your home and kitchen, as well as prepare simple meals so that you WANT to be making healthier food. 

    5-5) Bringing Your Family on Board: Learn how to help your partner, kids, or anyone else in your life support your new lifestyle. You will also learn how to continue your new habits in social settings and when going out.

    5-6) Taking Ownership of your future health: Learn how to continue monitoring your health, as well as testing and supplements that may be helpful to you in the future. 


Direct access to Kate via text during the course!

I will send you daily texts (if you choose) with reminders, motivation, and also be personally available to answer any questions that you might have!

Student Work Book to make sure you are taking action!

When you take action steps immediately, the habits will lock in faster!

Daily Tracking Journal to measure your success!

Keep a record of what you do and how you feel so you can see the progress!

Over 5 weeks of meal plans

so the guesswork is taken out of it.

Over 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes

that anyone can make and everyone will love!

Household Swaps Guide

with links to exact products that will support your hormone health

Food Shopping Guide

that shows you exactly what brands to buy and which to leave on the shelf

Symptoms & Supplements Guide

guiding you on which supplements can support your specific needs

When to Test Guide

a special guide helping you determine if further testing should be done, which tests to get, and where to get them!

Gut Healing Guide

for those who need a deeper dive into gut healing, this will take you there

Fat Burning Guide

if you still need support after going through the program, I show you exactly how to support further fat loss while keeping your hormones in check.

Cycle Cheatsheet

as you learn about your hormones and your cycle, this guide will be a handy reference to use as you go through your cycle

Deeper Partner Connections Guide

as you dive into stress and mental wellness, this guide will help you bring your partner into the process and support that relationship.

Menopause Guide

To help you gracefully prepare and get through menopause when the time comes.

Total Value: $4500

Your Investment: $197

(I don’t want you to end up spending thousands on medical bills, programs that don’t work, or supplements that won’t help!
Plus I give you a 100% guarantee!)

Meet your Master Health Coach and Nutritionist

Hi! I’m Kate. I’m 44 years old and I live on the coast of Maine with my husband and 3 kids!

I know you have a lot of options when it comes to coaches and health support, but I do things differently. I’m not here to make a quick buck, I am here to help women who’ve felt like me.

I’ve dedicated my life to helping women finally get to the root of their hormone imbalance, so they can finally feel like THEMSEVLES again. To live a Life They LOVE!

I’m a Board Certified Master Health Coach specializing in root-cause Functional Wellness and Holistic Nutrition. I’m kind of a hormone and gut nerd (if that’s even a thing!)

After overcoming my own health struggles, I am on a mission to show women that they don’t have to live like that. That life can be SO AMAZING!

After successfully coaching hundreds of women on how to take back their health, I decided to create a course so that I could support even more women reach their goals.

If you’re feeling stuck and know you want more out of your life – then I’d love to empower you on your health journey, too. 

Because you deserve to look and feel amazing! 

By empowering yourself to take charge of your health, you may start feeling:

  • Excited to take on new adventures with newfound energy and vitality

  • Focused and clear-minded because you're fueling your body with the nutrients it needs

  • Vibrant from the inside out because your gut is finally healed

  • Confident in your skin, because it’s clear and glowing

  • Full of energy to conquer your day and your dreams!


Don’t take it from me…

and just a FEW more of the hundreds of testimonials from past and current clients…

My 100%+

I know that investing in yourself can be hard. We always put everyone else first. But I also know that you could be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical bills, unneeded supplements, and programs that don’t actually work. I know that by enrolling in this program, you will save thousands of dollars, (and years of your life searching for solution), and you will become the BEST version of YOU. However, If after 90 days of implementing everything I outlined, this program is not helping you, then I will give you ALL of your money back, PLUS I will give you a one-on-one call with me to discuss why things went wrong and what might be helpful to you. I am so confident in this program, and I want you to be, too!

It’s Time For You To Start Feeling Amazing, Too!


33 Actionable Video Lessons
Direct access to Kate via text during the course
Student Work Book
Daily Tracking Journal


Over 5 weeks of meal plans
Over 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes
Household Swaps Guide
Food Shopping Guide
Symptoms, Supplements, and What to Test Guide
Gut Healing Guide
Fat Burning Guide
Cycle Cheatsheet
Deeper Partner Connections Guide
Graceful Menopause Guide

Total Value: $4500

Your Investment: $197

(You could mindlessly blow that at Target or you could change your life forever!)

The Answers to Your Burning Questions

  • This is not another fad diet or quick fix. This is the real deal that most people don’t want you to know about. They’d rather keep you feeling crappy so you have to buy more quick fixes from them over and over again. But I only want to see you once. Because I WANT you to feel amazing forever!

  • YES! We’ve added a special feature where you get direct connection with Kate. You’ll get access to her direct text line and have an opportunity to ask a clarifying question about the material after each of the 5 units! That’s 5 opportunities for one-on-one support!

  • NO! When you enroll, you’ll be given a link to set up an account. You will then gain access to the course platform where you can watch each lesson on either your computer or on your phone in an app. This way, you can watch whenever, and wherever make the most sense for you and your life!

  • Research shows the results and outcomes are much better with courses. Courses have the closest success rate to one-on-one coaching (but that can cost thousands). This course was created to mimic Kate’s successful one-on-one coaching format and we know that you will achieve amazing success with this program.

  • If you were to sit down and do it all at once, it would take you about 6 hours. But you aren’t going to do that!

    Because after working with thousands of women, I know what it takes to make real change in your life. We are going to take it slow and complete one lesson each day. This way, I can hold your hand and help you slowly make the changes you need, so they last forever.

    So- ideally, you’ll give it about 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. (But technically speaking, once you buy it, you can do it as quickly or as slowly as you like!)

  • Forever!  After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like—across any and all devices you own. Even better, if course materials change, or we add anything, you will be grandfathered into EVERYTHING! Even if the price changes!

  • This course is completely self-paced and I don’t do anything gimmicky like “close the doors”. You can start when you are ready and take as long as you need to finish.

  • YES!! I am so positive that this program will help you, that if you implement everything exactly as I outlined for at least 90 days, and do not feel as if it has helped in any way, then I will give you a 100% refund PLUS give you a free one-on-one call to discuss what might be helpful to you. I will ask to see the efforts you made in both your workbook and daily tracker to pinpoint where the issues came from.

  • This course teaches you how to get to the root of your health by providing your body with the nourishment and lifestyle changes it needs to thrive. While we don't know how each individual body will respond, nor do we make any promises of outcomes, here are some of the amazing results our students have seen: steady energy, better moods, less bloating, decreased headaches, decreased pms symptoms, more regular periods, increased libido, better sleep, better body composition, less belly and overall fat. 

  • Right now, no. We feel that adding a community can actually take your focus away from the hard work YOU are doing. You may get confused by other people’s questions or sidetracked by something they are doing. We want you to focus on YOU and what your body needs. Plus, we gave you direct access to Coach Kate! (But if this ever changes, you’ll get in on that, too!) 

free and happy woman with energy jumping in air

keep spending hours, days, or even years searching online, downloading freebies left and right, restarting that diet every monday…but if you want the right tools on how to make actual change, then come jump in…

“YOU”, one year from now, will be much happier if you don’t wait any longer! 

Sure, you could