A Handful Of Healthy

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7 Smart Tips on How to Stop Nighttime Snacking!

You just put the kids to bed (or finished the dishes or ended your work day) and you find yourself heading to the pantry…. for … something… you aren’t even sure what you want, but you just need something.  

Can you relate?

I’ve been there, too! I have literally said out loud: “you are not hungry, you do not need food” as I grabbed a bag of whatever salty crunchy food I could find. 

It’s not YOU…It’s not even your willpower failing you.

It’s an epidemic of nighttime mindless munching. 

Food companies love it! They actually coined the term “snackability” to show just how easy and addicting they can make their foods. 

And when we start munching on these foods, we often can’t turn on the breaks to stop it, overloading our body with calories and ingredients it doesn’t need. Then, we spend all night trying to digest it rather than getting the restful sleep we need. And you know what happens when we don’t get the restful sleep we need? (see #1 below) but it’s a viscous cycle!

Nighttime snacking has been linked to excess calorie intake, obesity, and overall poor health. Our body NEEDS that time to rest and digest!

BUT..I have good news.

There are ways to STOP the madness. To stop the mindless eating!

Here are my top 7 Smart Tips to Stop Night-Time Snacking!


I’m starting here because our sleep the night before can set us up for a successful day of health or a day when we crave sweets and junk. Lack of sleep sets our entire circadian rhythm off. It messes with our hormones and it sets us up for a day of unhealthy eating. So make sure to get about 8 hours of great sleep!


Often times we rush through breakfast and lunch, don’t eat when we’re hungry, and then eat a big dinner thinking that will fill us up. But the truth is, we need to make all of our meals a priority so that our body is getting all of the energy, vitamins, and minerals it needs to function throughout the day. If your body does not feel satisfied, it will lead to cravings at night and chances are you are going to reach for something quick and mindless and not give it what it really needs.


When you eat your meals throughout the day, make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein. Protein is literally the building block of your body and if you aren’t getting enough, your body will start signaling you to eat more of whatever you can get your hands on. When we eat enough protein during the day, your body will feel full and satisfied!


Nighttime eating is often stress related. You’ve had a long day at work or with the kids and you just want to VEG OUT (but not with actual vegetables) to fill that void. Find moments throughout the day to help deal with those stressors such as deep breathing, going for a walk, or taking a bath.


A lot of times at night, we plop in front of the tv and just need something to be doing with our hands! We actually have a hard time sitting still. Try reading or knitting, or talking on the phone to a friend instead of grabbing for a bag of snacks.


Drinking tea at night can give you the feeling of snacking because you are giving your body something warm and comforting. But tea has many great benefits. Tea can help calm your body down and get ready for sleep and can help your body digest all of the other foods from the day. Many teas and drinks are also filled with nutrients your body needs! There are so many great yummy teas that you can choose from.


Maybe you really are actually hungry. Maybe you had to skip a meal. Maybe you need to actually EAT. But don’t grab the mindless snacks, make some real food that includes protein, a veggie, and fat. Then re-evaluate what you ate in the day and try to make tweaks the next day so that you can give your body that nighttime break it needs to digest.

Nighttime snacking has been linked to excess calorie intake, gut issues, obesity and poor overall health.  If nighttime snacking is an issue for you, try one of these tips above!